Camp Road Middle School

Student Site - Real Students, Real News


CRMS New Bathroom Policies: What the students think

Author: Dr. Lemon


Camp Road Middle School is . . . not the best school. I think that this has been proven on many occasions. But the new bathroom policies . . . not only is it annoying, it's inhumane. It is not right. They have no right, to not allow someone to use the bathroom! This is a basic need, a very basic need. It's sad. Just sad. They say that this is because of the "constant vandalism" of the bathrooms. That's a load of bulls- lies right there. They are punishing a whole grade level, A WHOLE GRADE for the acts of 3-5 people. And it is not ok. But what can we do about it? It's not like we are allowed to have an oppinion. Besides, we can go during the class transition, that they have so graciously extended . . .

The CRMS News team interveiwed some students about these policies, and most of the video interveiws were against it. There were some anonymous people that "agreed" with the new rules. These are the ones that I believe that are fake. Sure, there might be one or two kids that are ok with it, but not like that. This is why we are here, to rule out the "clutter" and separate the lies from the truth in this god-forsaken place that we call school. Our team is currently trying to get a copy of the interveiws.

Please note that the opinions of these articals may not reflect that of the student body.